Putting pen to paper

To write means more than putting pretty words on a page; the act of writing is to share a part of your soul with the world.


When I was wandering through the rainforests of Costa Rica, having my changes of no plans, and deciding that blogging would amuse me, I had no idea how hard it would be. I didn’t realize that posting with regularity would be such a difficult task. I didn’t know that I would take time to read so many other blogs of incredibly talented writers. The ADHD side of me always struggles with balancing time and effort, and obviously, focus. I also didn’t realize how soul bearing it could feel to write something that you publish for the world to read.

As the creator and sole writer of this blog, I fully realize that I choose the content posted here. I could go superficial on every article. I could give basic tips on travel, travel nursing, or any assortment of my outdoor hobbies. I do not have to share personal thoughts and feelings, and all of the million things that go through my overactive brain. But would that even be me?

I am nothing if not blunt, honest, and open. I am comfortable laughing about the stupid shit I sometimes do, and the ridiculous shit that happens in my life. My mind wanders, my thoughts ramble, and that is the way they come out on paper (or more accurately, on screen). Part of what holds me back from writing sometimes is the “will anyone want to read it” thought. Honestly, y’all, I have finally realized I don’t care. I write because I enjoy it and I find it therapeutic.

So here I am, back to putting pen to paper, fingers to keyboard, whatever you want to call it. I give zero guarantees on how often I will post, on content of the posts, or much of anything else because I don’t really know either. But I am going to take some time to write, and to write for me. For those who are along for the ride, I thank you.

Published by Eryn

Travel enthusiast, hiking enthusiast, nature lover, coffee addict, travel nurse, ADHD squirrel, and inconsistent, lackluster blogger

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